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Walking Tours Edinburgh

Discover how Scotland became centre stage in seismic advances that rocked the entire world. Find out how the resplendent butterfly of Scotland emerged from the dark, dank, chrysalis of despotic leadership, clan barbarism and religious intolerance, to become the intellectual centre of Europe.

Scottish Enlightenment Tours Edinburgh

Learn how changes in religious thought in Scotland, together with revolutionary technological developments, altered her, and the entire world, forever.

Check out the main characters of the Scottish Enlightenment, the supremely talented individuals who made it happen, as if an angel had sprinkled fairy dust upon a chosen few; men such as David Hume, Adam Smith, Walter Scott, Dugald Stewart, Henry Home, Robert Adam, James Hutton, James Watt and many others.

Identify how the incubator of Enlightenment Scotland led to generational progress in so many areas such as philosophy, economics, commerce, trade, literature, medicine, education, geography, engineering, politics, the judiciary, architecture, politics, democracy, geology.

Walking Tours Edinburgh
Prepare To Be Shocked

Prepare to be shocked about how Walter Scott duped his way into literary stardom worldwide; without Scott, Tolstoy would never have conceived War and Peace; without Waverley the historical novel may never have been born; without The Lady of the Lake, Highland Tourism may never have begun.

Be startled about how it was Scottish bankruptcy that led to what seemed to many to be the worst of all worlds, the Union with England in 1707, but which later led to Scotland’s salvation.

Be aghast when you learn that the current British Royal Family is descended from Portuguese, Germans, Muslims and people of colour.

Visualise the Nor Loch in what is now The New Town, from a vantage point opposite Register House at Edinburgh’s East End, learning how Old Edinburgh, with her network of filthy, shadowy, convoluted streets, would soon acquire a new reputation as one of Europe’s greatest cities.

Walking Tours Edinburgh

New Tour Coming Soon


1600 men died at the Battle of Culloden, 1500 Jacobites, and 100 fighting for the Duke of Cumberland. On the Jacobite side, around half were Scottish Clansmen, the others mostly Irish, Welsh and French.

Find out what why this slaughter near Inverness took place and how it relates to the context of the Scottish Enlightenment. Was it a battle between two Royal Families, two Dynasties, two religions, two countries…all will be revealed on our Tour?!

Walking Tours Battle of Culloden

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What Our Customers Say

Regina latonda crespo

Jack from minute one, was interesting, knowledgeable and fluent in words. Loads of research beforehand and touches of anecdotes here and there! You end up with a greater understanding of the history of this beautiful city.

Art Lush

Jack's tour is a wonderful mix of historical knowledge and local colour, giving you a rich sense of Edinburgh throughout the centuries.

Rose Haigh

The Tour was great, lots of new information about Scottish History and discovered quite a few hidden nooks and crannies too. Even went to a graveyard.

Jay freeman

Jack gave me a terrific tour of Edinburgh with fascinating stops and great historical facts about the City. I highly recommend him.